• Threatened species conservation

Development model compatible with environmental protection on Kribi-Campo

ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. Development model compatible with environmental protection on Kribi-Campo
  • Bénéficiaire TUBE AWU
  • Montant du projet € 52 000
  • Subventions FFEM € 25 000
  • État du projet achevé

Located in the southern region of Cameroon, the project’s intervention area, located 250 km from Douala, extends over approximately 25 km of beach on the outskirts of Campo-Ma’an National Park. It forms the downstream part of the deep water port of Kribi up to the mouth of the NTEM.


Cameroon’s coasts are currently home to five species of sea turtles, all of which are on the IUCN Red List. Two of these five species, (Lute Dermochelys coriacea, VU and olivish Lepidochelys olivacea, VU), nest on the coasts of Kribi-Campo, while two others, (hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata, CR and green Chelonia mydas, EN), feed there.


During their laying, turtles are regularly captured by fishermen, (accidentally or on purpose), and their eggs collected for consumption and/or sale. In addition to these threats, there is also the degradation of their habitat by coastal erosion or sand extraction.


To face these threats, the local populations joined the TUBE AWU association, created in 2014, to protect their resource and heritage by initiating a file for the creation of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) called a marine national park. “Manyengue na Elombo Campo”.


The creation file is currently awaiting the signing of the decree by the Prime Minister. The general objective of this project is to help create a model of socio-economic development compatible with the protection of the environment of the Kribi-Campo coastal area.




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