• Creation-Management of Community based Protected Areas

Improvement of local management of the Alibi-I community forest in Togo

ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. Improvement of local management of the Alibi-I community forest in Togo

The Alibi I Community Forest (FCA, 5,500 ha) is located in the central region of Togo, in the prefecture of Tchamba (7 hours north-west of Lomé). It is adjacent to the Abdoulaye Wildlife Reserve (30,000 ha) which is home to one of the last elephant populations in Togo.


The FCA itself is home to a rich biodiversity with around 220 plant species, 19 reptile species and 89 bird species.


They are many threats that the forest endures: overexploitation of natural resources, illegal exploitation, bush fires, weak local governance.


Facing these threats, for 7 years, with the support of the PPI among others, AE2D has seeks to protect the FCA by carrying out actions to raise awareness and conserve biodiversity by delimiting the 5,500 ha of the forest, the establishment of management structures which have recently defined a development and management plan while developing income-generating activities (beekeeping, market gardening and valuation of Non-Wood Forest Products such as shea butter) for the benefit of the populations.


Knowing that since 2016, a decree sets the conditions for the management and official recognition of community forests, this project aims to strengthen the conservation of the Alibi Community Forest through the improvement of local governance and territorial planning of the forest while developing sectors (beekeeping and shea butter) sustainably enhancing biodiversity.

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