• Sustainable use of natural resources

Valorization of agro-forestry products from the Djà Biosphere Reserve

ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. Valorization of agro-forestry products from the Djà Biosphere Reserve

TF-RD benefits from a PPI, being finalized, intervening in the Biosphere Reserve of Dja, (RBD), and UNESCO World Heritage, with an area of ​​525,000 ha, (most of which is in integral conservation), housing significant populations of gorillas, chimpanzees and elephants and a peripheral area of ​​950,000 ha where the project is operating in its northern part.


The RBD faces various pressures both local (poaching, slash-and-burn agriculture) and external, in particular linked to the reconversion of the forest into oil palm and cocoa plantations, the latter representing 50% of the income of households.


As economic support to communities on the outskirts of the reserve has been neglected by conservation stakeholders, the PPI has made it possible to rehabilitate 50 ha of old cocoa trees and to enrich with domesticated local species, (around 55,000 cocoa plants, 40,000 plants plantains and 850 local fruit trees), 50 ha of old fallow land, which prevented the opening of new plots in virgin forest areas.


158 producers involved in this project are now grouped together within the RBD Periphery Cocoa Producers Cooperative. This project intends to pursue the same development model, (local understanding of environmental issues and development of an economic fabric compatible with the conservation of resources), which is based on family farming and the valuation of NTFPs; the cocoa producer cooperative created will be structured and cocoa better sold on the markets, thanks to the introduction of certification according to Rainforest standards.


The cofinancing of the Zoo of Prague supports several environmental education actions in around thirty schools, (exchange trips between schools in the region, reforestation carried out by students and environmental clubs, etc.), 17 villages will be concerned covering around 3,500 ha of the peripheral zone.







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