• Anti-poaching

Contribute to the conservation of the classified forest of Cavally for the sustainable development of its peripheral zone

ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. Contribute to the conservation of the classified forest of Cavally for the sustainable development of its peripheral zone

The classified forest of Cavally is an evergreen, dense and humid primary and secondary forest. It is one of the last natural forests in Côte d’Ivoire that is still relatively well preserved. It is a real biodiversity reserve sheltering many animal and plant species threatened with extinction, the geographical location of this forest within the TAI-GREBO-KRAHN-SAPO forest complex makes it a priority site for conservation and climate change. , not only in Côte d’Ivoire, but also for West Africa in general. It represents a unique natural heritage and is an important biosphere reserve. It has many species of endemic flora and fauna.

Among which:

  • Twelve species and subspecies of primates (Cercopithecus Mones, Cercopithecus Dianas, Mangabeys, Colobus Van Beneden or even Colobus Magistrates);
  • Pygmy hippos;
  • Zebra, Jentik and Ogilby duikers;
  • Petaurists;
  • So-called “Sassandrian” species of flora such as the thorny palm-vine or the water vine.

To date, the classified forest of Cavally has lost 40% of its plant cover. Indeed, it has experienced a massive infiltration of illegal planters from neighboring countries to grow cocoa there. These illegal crops are the main threat to the Cavally forest. The political and economic weight of the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire (1st producing country) makes all actions affecting the sector at the local level difficult and sensitive. It is thus noted that the international cocoa manufacturers continue voluntarily or involuntarily (due to a lack of a clear traceability system on the product) to buy cocoa from cooperatives that produce illegally in the forest.

This project aims to actively defend the interests of the classified forest of Cavally and plead for its classification in category 1 where no human activity or exploitation will be permitted.

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