A new PPI partner from Gambia visits a long-standing PPI partner in Senegal

Published on 19 December 2023
ICON/BTN/arrow/2/arrow-down Created with Sketch. Création – gestion d’aires protégéesA new PPI partner from Gambia visits a long-standing PPI partner in Senegal


The NGO AVISU, which operates in the Gambia, visited the management committee of the Gandoule Community Marine Protected Area in Senegal in December.


Following the organisational diagnosis of the NGO AVISU, carried out last October with the support of the PPI’s capacity-building coordinator, the team decided to travel to Senegal to learn from the experience of another organisation supported by the PPI. Given the similarity of a number of issues (wetlands, uses), accessibility and language (Wolof), it was decided to send 9 people from the NGO to Gandoule for almost a week.


The Gandoule team gave them a very warm welcome – Senegalese teranga is no legend! On the programme:


Meetings with the women’s groups supported in beekeeping and market gardening. These groups are supported by the management committee and, in return, donate part of the proceeds to the committee’s activities.

Visits to mangrove reforestation sites, artificial reefs and lots of advice on how to implement them effectively.

Numerous discussions on local management rules, patrols and biodiversity monitoring.

An exchange with the mayor of Djirnda to discuss the governance of the MPA and the roles and responsibilities of local authorities in the management of natural resources.



“A real success”, ”a lot of learning”, ”a warm welcome”: all testimonies to the success of this 4-day exchange between two PPI NGOs.

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